JVI Development has evolved from a family business over the years. In the 90’s, an upmarket residential construction company was formed by Ben Pierpoint senior. The company, over the years, honed its skills and teams, delivering upmarket homes to happy clients. In the mid 2000’s, Ben Pierpoint junior joined forces, developing existing relations and quality teams. The expanded company enjoyed much success through the property boom.
For the initial years the focus was on residential developments. Through the recession JVI Development diversified and took on projects of a broader spectrum.
It is however our history in the upmarket residential market, with its high finish levels, that instils in us a value of quality which we carry through into all our service offerings where, currently, industry standards are often low.
Over 20 years we have grown in skills, experience, service, teams and partnerships.
More recently we have been joined by industry experts who contribute to JVI and its clients through additional experience, skill sets, knowledge, improved and expanded service delivery.